Saviour – Hillsong Music

From the album ‘God He Reigns’. Miriam Webster sings lead vocal.


A Saviour on a hill
Dying for my shame
Could this be true?
Defies the world I see
Yet this is all
My heart was longing for
To know You my Lord
To know You Lord

You deserve
You deserve
You deserve all the praise

The heavens wept for You
The earth cried out
“Could He be the One?”
For You so loved the world
You gave Your only Son to say
I love you so
Oh how I love You so

You deserve
You deserve
You deserve all the praise

Hallelujah to the King
Hallelujah we will sing forever

And all humanity
Aches to find this beautiful love You give
We come to You again
To offer up our lives
To worship You alone
To worship You alone

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4 Responses

  1. livia molina says:

    I love the content of the music of hillsong and I imagine the degree of spirituality because it can be felt when listening, God bless

  2. Kelvin Lupiya says:

    this is just beautiful, brings the sense of God’s love for His people so real, i enjoyed and was blessed very much.

  3. kEVIN mBAI says:

    Oh God how worthy how high exhalted above the Heavens you are!!! God You deserve ALL the praise.. ALL THE PRAISE!! Hallelujah God we cry out! Who is like our God? Tell me who?? Nobody!! Father You show mercy! Jesus Lord You deserve…YOU DESERVE!!!

    • lizanimo says:

      tell me a reason not to worship him and i will show you tens of thousand reason why he deserve our praises!!! He is worthy of all worship. Praises belongs to HIM!!!

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