Turn to the Lord for Help

The Lord says: My thoughts and my ways are not like yours. Just as the heavens are higher than the earth, my thoughts and my ways are higher than yours. – Isaiah 55:8-9

For years, it was a real ego-boost to help my daughters with their homework. (An ego boost for me, that is!) They would turn to me for guidance and help with their homework. They trusted completely in my ability to help them, and their trust was well placed, because I could help them. It was a great relationship. They needed help and wisdom, so they turned to me, and I gave it to them. It was a win-win for us all!

I have noticed that they turn to me less and less for help with their homework. Could it be because they are studying things that I either forgot over 20 years ago or that I never learned in the first place? Yes! It used to be known that Dad was smarter than they were. Now, in certain areas, they are smarter than Dad. So they search out and turn to others who are of help to them – and now they receive an ego-boost, because they are smarter than Dad!

We all have so many needs. The world has many invitations for help and guidance. You can find books, magazines, self-proclaimed experts, and other forms of help that all say they have the answer to meet your needs. We turn to them, hoping that they will provide the wisdom and guidance we need.

Scripture says that we need to remember that God is the source of all wisdom, guidance, and strength. God’s ways and thoughts are higher than any other on earth. God wants us to turn and receive divine guidance and support in our time of need. Like my children once did, we need to turn to God in complete trust that God can help us. The great thing about God’s ways, though, is that God’s ways will always be higher than ours! He will always be the source of wisdom and guidance for us.

Bringing It Home:
1. Have you been searching the world for answers to your needs and come up short? Is the self-help book you are following working? Ask God to guide you and give you strength. Trust in God’s ways.

2. If you know someone who is struggling and who needs to rely more on God’s ways, invite them to church or your small group. Offer to pray with and for them.

Lord, your ways are truly so great and so wonderful. Your ways are beyond our comprehension. Help me to truly trust more in your ways and not in my own. Help me to trust that your ways are better than the world’s ways. Only then can I become who you created me to be. Amen.

John A. Holm
Transforming Church Institute

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