God’s Power to Change People

They all met together continually for prayer, along with Mary the mother of Jesus, several other women, and the brothers of Jesus. – Acts 1:14

I read that Scripture verse just a few days ago and thought to myself, “Now wait a minute! Aren’t those brothers of Jesus the very same guys who didn’t believe in him? (John 7:5) And yet, here they are praying together with the disciples. What happened?”

The answer, of course, is that the reality of Jesus’ resurrection from the dead had impacted them so powerfully that even these unbelieving brothers had a change of heart. What a great testimony to the power of Jesus’ resurrection. And what good news for us!

Do you know someone who is not a believer? A hard-core skeptic? The kind of person that scoffs at your faith? Someone your heart aches for? Someone you’ve prayed would come to a saving faith in Jesus, but are beginning to doubt will ever believe? Maybe it’s a child. Perhaps a spouse, or a close friend. Don’t give up hope! If Jesus’ resurrection power could change his brothers’ hearts, it can change anyone’s heart!

Bringing It Home
1. Who do you know that has a skeptical mind or a hard heart when it comes to faith in Jesus Christ? If you aren’t already praying for them, make a commitment to do so today.
2. The power of Jesus’ resurrection is most clearly seen in the changed lives of other believers. Are you showing that change in your daily life? Be a living witness!

Heavenly Father, my heart aches for the lost people in my life. I lift them up to you, trusting in the incredible power of your resurrection. Change their heart, Lord. And let me shine as a living light, a testimony to your power and love. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Jeff Marian
Upper Arlington Lutheran Church, Columbus, OH

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