Holding on to God

“Let love be genuine; hate what is evil, hold fast to what is good.” – Romans 12:9

One of the great joys in life, it seems to me, is the tight hold of a child’s hand. When a baby is born, an adult delights at how such a young fist clutches around a finger of a grown-up. When my nieces were small, they would hold my hand with such fervor. When a child takes my hand now as we cross the street or walk to the car in a busy parking lot, it feels like such a privilege to me that this small person is counting on me. I get to help keep him or her safe, I get to keep that young person out of harm’s way, to watch out for this young brother or sister in Christ.

During this season of Easter and spring, we get to remind ourselves to hold fast to what is good in the world. At the center of all this, we remind ourselves to hold onto God with all the innocence and trust of a child. Easter is a time for celebrating the resurrection in our daily lives, for allowing ourselves to be lifted by our faith, for re-connecting with our hope in the living Lord, a hope of victory that is genuine and real in the world.

It’s not enough to count just on ourselves. It’s so tempting – and so wrong – to pretend that we can make it on our own when deep down you know you cannot make it without the grace of Jesus your Lord. We get a lot farther when we count on our Savior, who loves us with genuine love and whose wisdom and power are so great, to lead us across the confusing ways of the world, and through the busyness of our days, to the joy and peace of the Kingdom of God.

Bringing It Home:

Give yourself a moment or two to simply breathe deeply and sit quietly. Take a break from the busy-ness around you. Now fold your hands around each other. Hold on tightly. And imagine holding on to God and God’s love for you with a solid embrace.
During the course of your day today, take time to ask another person how they’re doing. When you do so, reach out and touch them on the shoulder, or on the back, with a gentle, re-assuring presence. Don’t “invade” their space. Just let your touch show them that you care.

The season of Easter is a good time to get real with God. Remember, even if you can’t hold onto God, God is holding on to you. Give yourself a couple of minutes to think about what that means for your life, and how you might express your gratitude.


Almighty God, you raised Jesus from the dead, and because he lives, I will live also. Hold onto me this day, and help me be so assured of your presence in my life that I might reflect your presence and the joy of the resurrection to others. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.

Connie Thomson
New Joy, Westfield, IN

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  1. Chow_4_china says:

    Just wonderful

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