Cowboy in Church

One Sunday morning the congregation of a ritzy church (with vaulted ceilings, hand carved oak pews, stained glass windows and deep plush carpet) had a stir.

A man came in just minutes before the service was to begin and he was dressed horribly. He had on boots, overalls, a flannel shirt, and a cowboy hat.

The congregation was aghast! Many quickly sent notes to the minister about this concern. At the end of the service the minister greeted the humbly dressed man and asked him if he enjoyed the service.

The man exclaimed that he enjoyed it very much. The minister asked the man to consider possibly dressing differently, and told him to pray to Jesus about how he would have him dress if he should return again.

The next week the man returned. He was dressed the same and once again the congregation was disturbed.

At the end of the service the minister greeted the man again and asked him what he had been told by Jesus concerning how to dress for church.

The man exclaimed, “I spoke with Jesus about this but Jesus said he didn’t know how I should dress for this church because He has never been here.”

– Author unknown

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