Monthly Archive: October 2010


Plus and Minus

The other day I was reviewing the past year. I wrote down a list of things that had occurred this year in my personal and business life. My mindset had been a bit of “what a tough year” and these are tough times at lots of levels. There have been difficulties!


Quiet Power

Our Lord, God in the flesh, was an example of sheer, unlimited power, but controlled and restrained for His mission, and driven by love. When we are filled with His Spirit, we have that same power inside of us. But He wants us to be vessels of His mission, to walk in His humility, and also to be driven by His love. Then people will not see us, but will see Him in us. Like Mother Teresa, we will display a power the world does not know. But His Spirit working in us will draw others to Himself.


America’s Founding

Eleven of the original 13 colonies wrote their constitutions before the Federal Constitution, and they contained requirements for elected officials. They were all similar, and as an example of the beliefs at the time, the Delaware Constitution declared that a candidate for office must say: “I do profess faith in God the Father, and in Jesus Christ his only Son, and in the Holy Ghost. In God who is blessed forevermore I do acknowledge the Holy Scriptures and the Old and New Testaments which are given by divine inspiration.”


What Should Our Prayers Include?

Although prayer cannot be reduced to a formula, certain basic elements should be included in our communication with God. I believe they are Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, Supplication, or “ACTS” for short, which will help you remember.